Saturday, February 27, 2010

Well, well where to begin?

Hello Again!

Well, well where to begin?

The month of February had a lot going on. I guess we will just start from the beginning of the month and work our way through.

As we all know Feb. is the month of love. Well in our house is the month of Eric going in a mode of comatose called Sturgeon Spearing. Sturgeon Spearing is always the weekend or week of Valentines. So we both are on the ice ready to spear by 6:30 a.m. opening day. Valentines is never really celebrated like most couples. But on one hand I get to spend six hours in a 4x6 foot shack with my husband staring into a hole of water. Now let me tell you folks that is as romantic as it gets! Yes it may sound boring to some but I would never want to do anything else.

Eric was luck this year and got is 4th Sturgeon on a row this year. So he has been on cloud nine ever since. He was the only one who speared a Sturgeon this year out of our group so it was a bitter sweet celebration.
Eric's kill of 2010

Cutting 20 inches of ice.

Pushing 20 inches of ice to make a pool.

Now that Sturgeon Spearing is done Eric has been able to work again on the upstairs of our house which will soon become our new master suite. Eric really is getting the husband of the year award this month. Not only did he provide food for the family, but he also is remodeling our house and putting up with a pregnant wife.

We had our 21 week appointment this past Friday. Everything is going great! I’m measuring a little big, but we aren’t worried. We already know that our baby is going to be really tall. On our last ultrasound all we saw was legs. Poor kid never stood a chance at being short with parents like us.

Well that pretty much sums up our month. Stay tuned next month, we have birthdays, remodeling, and baby news to share.

Lots of love to all!
Monica, Eric, BB, & Kit

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

It's all growing...

Hello Again,

Well we are at 18 weeks and counting.
Today I went to the doctor and had an ultrasound done. They even did the 3D which is just creepy. LOL....
We decided not to find out what we are having. Today we would have been able to tell, but knowing our luck they would say a girl and it would be a boy or they would say boy and it would be a girl. So we will have a great surprise in about 22 weeks.

Eric and I were very relieved that everything is showing a normal healthy baby. We are sitting at about 9 oz. not sure on the length however the legs look really long just like mine and Eric's.

I included some pictures below of my belly and how it's growing. Sorry they aren't the most attractive pictures.

This Turns into...

This turns into....This... and then it turns too...

The great 3D baby picture.

If you look close you will see that this is a picture of our babies face.

We will make sure to keep you updated as progress is made.

Lots of love,

Monica & Eric