Monday, July 5, 2010

God broke the mold!


SHE’S HERE!!!! Our beautiful baby girl is here!

Elna Ann Burt

Born on June 29, 2010 at 2:29 p.m. 20 1/2 inches 8 lbs. 1 oz.

Everything went awesome! Started contractions at 4:00 am, woke Eric up at 6:30, went to the hospital at 9:00 started pushing at 1:30 ish and she was born at 2:29. She really did all the work I was just the oven she came out of.

I never thought I would love someone I just met so fast. When she came out it really hit me that I was now a mom. I know people told me that I would, but I still had the first time mom jitters and was terrified that I wouldn't like her right away. She is my lil rockstar!

You all may wonder where we got her name. Elna was my grandmother’s name on the Wepner side and Ann was my grandmother on the Yachinich side. These two women taught me so much and were two of the strongest women I know. I hope that Elna grows up to understand what amazing people she is named after.

I want to thank all of you who have supported us through the pregnancy and now who through our first few days as new parents.

I hope you all keep watching our little one grow through our blog as I hope to have more to report throughout the weeks instead of just once a month.

Hugs and kisses to all!
Eric, Monica, Kit, & Ellie


  1. She is a beautiful precious little girl! (Just like her mom!)

  2. Monica and Eric, She is beautiful. You two do good work on the baby making. Congratulations.

  3. Love the blog, can't wait to see more pictures of the little princess! Love Mom
