Tuesday, October 5, 2010

3 Months and Growing!

Hello Again,

Wow can you believe that Ellie is now 3 months old, Eric and I have been married a year, Eric is now 30 and I will be turning 26 on Monday! I think I can say for where did the time go?

Since I last blogged we have had a couple of milestones in our house. I went back to work in September and didn’t think it would be too hard because I currently work from home. But it was still a huge adjustment. I still miss playing with her and enjoying time with her. Whoever thought that I would actually miss changing the first morning poopy diaper? LOL! Ellie is enrolled at YMCA Child Learning Center and its great! Her teachers are awesome! I know that she is being taken care of the same way I would take care of her.

On my brothers 29th birthday (September 23) Ellie laughed for the first time. I was on the phone with my fantastic friend Lisa W. when Ellie started to laugh. I was so excited I cried with pure joy and I think I may have freaked Lisa out a little because I was screaming with excitement. After I got off the phone with her I immediately called Eric to have him listen to it and then since I’m such a proud mamma I called everyone else I could think of. The only person that was able to hear it beside Eric and I was my brother Chris. Which was fitting since it was his birthday. I think it brightened his day a little.

After that exciting day we have really started to see Ellie grow. She can put her hands together, switch toys from one hand to another, roll on her side and show us true love with her smile. I can’t believe how much of a personality she is getting already.

Ellie is now three months old and I do not feel like it’s been three months. I was looking at a picture from the beginning of September and thought there is now way that she was that small only 4 weeks ago. She looks so different already!
One year and still going strong

Flowers from Eric. These are the same flowers that I had in my boquet on my wedding day.

Eric and I celebrate 365 days of wedded bliss on Sunday. Talk about where did the time go. We were looking back at the past year and we can’t believe all that has happened. We remodeled the house, went to Vegas, said goodbye to my best furry friend Gini, and o yeah had a baby. We still are as happy as we were on the day we got married. We truly know now that we can get through anything and will always be there for each other.

Ellies First Pumpkin

Grandma & Grandpa with Ellie and all the pumpkins

We spent the weekend in Door County. On Saturday Grandma and Grandpa Bucky were nice enough to watch Ellie while Eric and I drove up to the island. We wanted to take the fairy across, but the boat was rocking side to side so much that it made me sick just looking at it. It was really cold, rainy, and windy up there so we didn’t get out of the car much. We also were able to take Ellie to get her first pumpkin on Sunday. Grandma and Grandpa had a good time picking one out for Ellie.

Eric turned 30 on Monday. He says it’s no big deal, but I think he secretly is in denial that he’s getting older. He no longer can say I’m in my roaring 20’s. I know that when I turn thirty I will have a little bit of a meltdown I’m sure. I already am freaking out that as of next Monday (10-11-10) I will only have 4 more years left of my 20’s. Freaky!

Well I think that pretty much closes up our month since our last post. In the next month we have exciting things to look forward to. Ellie celebrates 4 months, Eric’s sister Ashley will be having her baby, Ellie celebrates Halloween, and I will have news to share that is top secret!

Lots of hugs to all,
Eric, Monica, Kit & Ellie

Go Packers Go!

Duke and Bear tickled with excitment for pumkins


  1. Great Pictures! You have definitely had quite a year! What is left for the next year?

  2. Oh Moni, she's such a pretty baby! Glad all is going well for you guys.
