To start out since our last blog Eric’s sister welcomed her baby boy into the world on 10-10-10. He’s such a cutie! Contrary to what his father John says he has red hair like his mom and is just a ball of love. When you put Ellie next to him she looks like a massive giant. I can’t believe how much they grow in such a short period of time. Every time I hold Weston I say “I don’t remember Ellie being this small”.
Ellie celebrated her first Halloween. This was somewhat of a success. She dressed up all cute got candy and I got to eat it. In my world total success, in diet world a total failure. Ellie was supposed to be a cow for Halloween but that kind of was a flop. Before she was ever born I found a cute Dalmatian bunting costume for $0.50 (yes that’s right 50 cents folks). My intention was to turn the dog costume into a cow; this was a big failure on my part. All of a sudden it was Halloween and time totally flew by. So my poor attempt to make her a cow was not at all succeeding when we went to Spooktacular at Player Choice of Appleton. Everyone kept calling her a dog so Ellie had a costume that went form a dog to a cow and back to a dog. But whatever my kid still looked cuter then bunny!
Ellie is growing so much that we have had a lot of milestones lately. The popasan swing that she has been using since birth and most of the pictures that you have seen her sleeping in have been in that swing has now been put away. She already outgrew it. I’m not going to lie there was a little bit of tears that I had to fight back as I put it away. Some tears that she is growing so fast and some tears at the thought of how in the heck are we going to get her to take naps now? However with putting away the big swing we now have brought out an exersaucer and a jumperoo. Both of which Ellie loves!
Ooooookkkkkkaaaaayyyyy I know you all have been reading this and are wondering what the big top secret news is….. And sorry to disappoint some of you but no I am not pregnant. There will be no baby two for a while we hope. The news is that I got a new job. I had accepted the offer but was not able to say anything until my notice was given at Convergys. So after 5 years at Convergys Corp. I resigned and am now working at Heartland Business Systems. I really really am enjoying it. The people are great and I love the freedom. It so far has been a great move for not only me but our family. So once again sorry to those of you who wanted baby 2 but not today.
I love being naked!
Stay tuned for our next blog that I hope I stay on top of. We get to celebrate Christmas!!!!
Hugs to all and happy holidays!
-Eric, Monica, Elna, & Kit