Sunday, December 5, 2010

4 & 5 and soon to be 6

Hello Again,

O my once again I am totally slacking on the bog updates. At least I have a good reason.
To start out since our last blog Eric’s sister welcomed her baby boy into the world on 10-10-10. He’s such a cutie! Contrary to what his father John says he has red hair like his mom and is just a ball of love. When you put Ellie next to him she looks like a massive giant. I can’t believe how much they grow in such a short period of time. Every time I hold Weston I say “I don’t remember Ellie being this small”.

Ellie celebrated her first Halloween. This was somewhat of a success. She dressed up all cute got candy and I got to eat it. In my world total success, in diet world a total failure. Ellie was supposed to be a cow for Halloween but that kind of was a flop. Before she was ever born I found a cute Dalmatian bunting costume for $0.50 (yes that’s right 50 cents folks). My intention was to turn the dog costume into a cow; this was a big failure on my part. All of a sudden it was Halloween and time totally flew by. So my poor attempt to make her a cow was not at all succeeding when we went to Spooktacular at Player Choice of Appleton. Everyone kept calling her a dog so Ellie had a costume that went form a dog to a cow and back to a dog. But whatever my kid still looked cuter then bunny!
Mom and Ellie at Spooktacular
Sugar coma
Since the last time we blogged Ellie had her four month birthday and he five month birthday. With her four month birthday came her four month checkup which means... yup you got it SHOTS! But no worry for my kid she’s awesome! She cries a little when they go in and that’s it! By the time the needle is out she’s done crying. I don’t know where she gets that from but I can tell you it’s not from me. At 26 I still cry when I see the needle. To give you all a mental image of how big Ellie is she is in the 100th percentile for Height and head circumference and 75th percentile for weight. For those of you who have no idea what that means, it means she is very tall for her age but at skinny as a bean. So I’m sure when she gets older she will get the same nickname that Eric and I had of being called string bean.
Ellie is growing so much that we have had a lot of milestones lately. The popasan swing that she has been using since birth and most of the pictures that you have seen her sleeping in have been in that swing has now been put away. She already outgrew it. I’m not going to lie there was a little bit of tears that I had to fight back as I put it away. Some tears that she is growing so fast and some tears at the thought of how in the heck are we going to get her to take naps now? However with putting away the big swing we now have brought out an exersaucer and a jumperoo. Both of which Ellie loves!
Playing like a big girl
We also had Eric’s niece Kelsey’s 8 birthday! Now that one I can’t believe! She was 4 when I met her and now she’s only a few years away from being a pre-teen! It’s crazy to think about how much she’s grown and how wonderful of a young lady she is becoming. I don’t know if I’m ready for her to grow up just yet.

Ooooookkkkkkaaaaayyyyy I know you all have been reading this and are wondering what the big top secret news is….. And sorry to disappoint some of you but no I am not pregnant. There will be no baby two for a while we hope. The news is that I got a new job. I had accepted the offer but was not able to say anything until my notice was given at Convergys. So after 5 years at Convergys Corp. I resigned and am now working at Heartland Business Systems. I really really am enjoying it. The people are great and I love the freedom. It so far has been a great move for not only me but our family. So once again sorry to those of you who wanted baby 2 but not today.
I love being naked!

Stay tuned for our next blog that I hope I stay on top of. We get to celebrate Christmas!!!!

Hugs to all and happy holidays!
-Eric, Monica, Elna, & Kit

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

3 Months and Growing!

Hello Again,

Wow can you believe that Ellie is now 3 months old, Eric and I have been married a year, Eric is now 30 and I will be turning 26 on Monday! I think I can say for where did the time go?

Since I last blogged we have had a couple of milestones in our house. I went back to work in September and didn’t think it would be too hard because I currently work from home. But it was still a huge adjustment. I still miss playing with her and enjoying time with her. Whoever thought that I would actually miss changing the first morning poopy diaper? LOL! Ellie is enrolled at YMCA Child Learning Center and its great! Her teachers are awesome! I know that she is being taken care of the same way I would take care of her.

On my brothers 29th birthday (September 23) Ellie laughed for the first time. I was on the phone with my fantastic friend Lisa W. when Ellie started to laugh. I was so excited I cried with pure joy and I think I may have freaked Lisa out a little because I was screaming with excitement. After I got off the phone with her I immediately called Eric to have him listen to it and then since I’m such a proud mamma I called everyone else I could think of. The only person that was able to hear it beside Eric and I was my brother Chris. Which was fitting since it was his birthday. I think it brightened his day a little.

After that exciting day we have really started to see Ellie grow. She can put her hands together, switch toys from one hand to another, roll on her side and show us true love with her smile. I can’t believe how much of a personality she is getting already.

Ellie is now three months old and I do not feel like it’s been three months. I was looking at a picture from the beginning of September and thought there is now way that she was that small only 4 weeks ago. She looks so different already!
One year and still going strong

Flowers from Eric. These are the same flowers that I had in my boquet on my wedding day.

Eric and I celebrate 365 days of wedded bliss on Sunday. Talk about where did the time go. We were looking back at the past year and we can’t believe all that has happened. We remodeled the house, went to Vegas, said goodbye to my best furry friend Gini, and o yeah had a baby. We still are as happy as we were on the day we got married. We truly know now that we can get through anything and will always be there for each other.

Ellies First Pumpkin

Grandma & Grandpa with Ellie and all the pumpkins

We spent the weekend in Door County. On Saturday Grandma and Grandpa Bucky were nice enough to watch Ellie while Eric and I drove up to the island. We wanted to take the fairy across, but the boat was rocking side to side so much that it made me sick just looking at it. It was really cold, rainy, and windy up there so we didn’t get out of the car much. We also were able to take Ellie to get her first pumpkin on Sunday. Grandma and Grandpa had a good time picking one out for Ellie.

Eric turned 30 on Monday. He says it’s no big deal, but I think he secretly is in denial that he’s getting older. He no longer can say I’m in my roaring 20’s. I know that when I turn thirty I will have a little bit of a meltdown I’m sure. I already am freaking out that as of next Monday (10-11-10) I will only have 4 more years left of my 20’s. Freaky!

Well I think that pretty much closes up our month since our last post. In the next month we have exciting things to look forward to. Ellie celebrates 4 months, Eric’s sister Ashley will be having her baby, Ellie celebrates Halloween, and I will have news to share that is top secret!

Lots of hugs to all,
Eric, Monica, Kit & Ellie

Go Packers Go!

Duke and Bear tickled with excitment for pumkins

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Who knew...

Hello Again,

Holy cow people! Can you believe that it has been almost 2 months since my last post! Who ever thought that having a baby would consume all of my time. LOL!

We have had so much happen in the past 2 months. Let me start from where I left off.

My sister’s son Louis turned three and we went to Minnesota to celebrate his third birthday in August. Yes we decided to do the normally four hour and fifteen minuet drive to Minnesota in 5 hours and 30 minuets. We quickly learned that when you do a trip with a 1 month old you leave on their schedule not yours. We made it to Seymour (about 18 miles from our house) and Ellie decided that riding in the car was not going to be her bag of tea that day. So it was a very long trip to Minnesota. Once we got there we had so much fun. My sister and her husband had just moved into a new house so we tried the best we could to help them get ready for Louis’s big birthday party. It was so much fun! I can’t believe that he is three.
Louis at 3
Next we celebrated Ellie’s Baptism and two month birthday. I was so excited to have Ellie baptized and become a member of God’s wonderful kingdom. The day of her baptism was the first day that Ellie smiled in response. It was as if she new that, that day was her special day. She did amazing! Eric, Pastor Walt, Ellie, and Monica
Ellie at 2 months
Labor Day weekend we also were blessed to celebrate the marriage of our good friends Josh and Julie Burmeister. They had such a wonderful day. The sun was shinning and everything went off perfectly. Julie looked so beautiful in her dress! It was our first wedding since Eric and I got married and it really brought back some wonderful memories. Eric while in his tux definitely made it known that he was a new daddy and loved showing off his little girl. Uncle Dennis (Ellie's Godfather) also loved showing Ellie off. The minuet he saw her he was kissing her up. Eric and Ellie all dressed for the wedding

After the wedding we went to Madison to watch the Badgers play San Jose with my parents. Ellie was lucky to spend the whole day with her Aunt Ashley and Uncle John. We are so lucky to have relatives that live close to Madison that we are able to take Ellie with us while we hang out in Bucky territory.
Eric and I at the game

Ellie Also got to go to a couple of her first football games to see my very great friend Lisa’s son Joey play on the Kimberly JV football team. It is crazy to see Joey so grown up and playing football. He’s really good too. Ellie loves the games. There is always so much for her to see.

Ellie and Joey

As you can see we have had a very busy two months! In the next month we are plenty busy again. Eric and I celebrate our first anniversary. I go back to work after a nice 11 weeks off. Ellie starts daycare. Eric turns 30 I turn 26 and so much more. I will post again soon so stay tuned!

Lots of love,
The Burts

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Happy 1 Month Birthday Ellie!

Happy Birthday to Ellie, Happy Birthday to Ellie, Happy Birthday dear Ellie, Happy Birthday to you!
Holy cow! Can you believe that Ellie is already a month old! I think it’s crazy how fast the time has already gone.

At times today I have looked at the clock and thought at this time a month ago I was having contractions, this time a month ago I started to push and ect…

Ellie is such a good baby. We all are still trying to figure each other out. I have officially learned that looking at a clock and trying to figure out her schedule for the day is completely pointless.
Ellie has definitely taught me already that she does things on her own schedule.
As of today Eric and I both noticed while playing with her this morning that she know notices her face in a mirror and is totally in love with looking at her self. She also has found out that if she smiles really big at daddy she can get whatever she wants and almost make him cry.

Ellie also is now weighing in at 10.3 lbs. and is still growing like a weed! I have already had to put away some of her 3 month old clothes because she is to long for them and they don’t fit. And yes I cried when I put away the first batch of clothes that she out grew. Hormones? maybe.

Tomorrow we leave for Ellie’s first road trip. I’m not freaking out yet, but I think I have officially over packed. We are going to Minnesota to visit my sister Dar and her family for Louis’s (her son) third birthday party. I can’t believe that he is already three! He’s such a big boy now.

Well I will be sure to post more after this weekend I’m hoping to get some good pictures of Ellie and her two favorite cousins on her mothers side.

Thanks for checking in.

Lots of hugs!
Eric, Monica, Kit, & the birthday girl Ellie

Monday, July 19, 2010

Three week update...

Hello Again!

So tomorrow Elna will be three weeks old. Can you believe it? I can’t it seems like just yesterday we brought her home.

When we brought Elna home she weighed 7 lbs. 11 oz. in just three short weeks she weighs over 9lbs and has grown over an inch.

I can officially say that I absolutely love being a mom and wouldn’t trade it for the world. It is so amazing! I love every minute of it. Every time I look at her I wonder how in the world God chose Eric and me to be so blessed.

She is such a good baby. Eric and I thought that we would be way more tired but so far (knock on wood) Ellie has been sleeping very, very well through the night. She wake up around 3 am we eat a little snack and then we go back to sleep. We usually roll out of bed around 9:30 am. It’s going to be so hard going back to work and actually having to get up.

We went to go see out photographer and friend Kelly again to get our first family photos done and Ellie's first pictures. They turned out AMAZING!!!

Eric keeps asking how we got such a beautiful kid and of course me being me always says “she takes after her mother that’s how.” However we all know that Ellie is a great mix of the both of us.

So far we don’t have much else to report but I thought I would update you all on how we are doing and include some pictures so you all can see how much she has grown. I hope you enjoy.

Lots of love to all,
Eric, Monica, Kit & Elna

***Please note that all professional pictures are photographed by Kelly Jean Photography

Monday, July 5, 2010

God broke the mold!


SHE’S HERE!!!! Our beautiful baby girl is here!

Elna Ann Burt

Born on June 29, 2010 at 2:29 p.m. 20 1/2 inches 8 lbs. 1 oz.

Everything went awesome! Started contractions at 4:00 am, woke Eric up at 6:30, went to the hospital at 9:00 started pushing at 1:30 ish and she was born at 2:29. She really did all the work I was just the oven she came out of.

I never thought I would love someone I just met so fast. When she came out it really hit me that I was now a mom. I know people told me that I would, but I still had the first time mom jitters and was terrified that I wouldn't like her right away. She is my lil rockstar!

You all may wonder where we got her name. Elna was my grandmother’s name on the Wepner side and Ann was my grandmother on the Yachinich side. These two women taught me so much and were two of the strongest women I know. I hope that Elna grows up to understand what amazing people she is named after.

I want to thank all of you who have supported us through the pregnancy and now who through our first few days as new parents.

I hope you all keep watching our little one grow through our blog as I hope to have more to report throughout the weeks instead of just once a month.

Hugs and kisses to all!
Eric, Monica, Kit, & Ellie

Monday, June 28, 2010

Am I done yet??

Hello All,
Well I can see that many people have been checking our blog lately. Our counter has gone up considerably. This is great to see!!!
I would love to report that the baby is here, but unfortunately there is nothing to report. We can say that I am progressing, but not very rapidly. I am dilated 2 cm. and about 80% effaced. So what does that mean you ask? Well pretty much nothing. The baby is getting ready to come into this world just not for awhile.
Keep checking as for sure we will have a baby within the next 2 weeks.
Thanks to all of you who are following our soon to be new addition!

-Eric, Monica, Kit, & B.B.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Busy Busy Baby!

Hello Again!

Well what a month yet again. It has been crazy nonstop go go go...

To start our month Eric and I went to go see our favorite photographer and friend Kelly for some pre baby picture taking. Kelly captured some great moments of Eric and I enjoying our last couple of moments before we become a family of four instead of three. Our pictures turned out amazing! I love all of them so much. It’s really hard trying to narrow our favorites to order. To see Kelly’s awesome work visit .

Eric and I have started to take the necessary steps in becoming educated parents. We have taken the wonderful breastfeeding class and the wonderful birth preparation class. Two fun filled Saturdays of putting a little bit of fear in us with a lot more excitement into having a new little one in our lives.

Also this month my mom and sister threw me a wonderful shower with our closet family and friend. It really was a wonderful day. I was able to catch up with everyone and got great advice from some of the experienced mothers. I also got to hang out with my mom, sister, and diva niece Evie after the shower. It was really great to have that time just with them. I don’t think my mom and sister will ever know how much I will always cherish that afternoon.

On Memorial Day weekend Eric and I had a laid back relaxing weekend. Friday we went to the doctor and found out that the baby is down, but I’m not dilated. So now the countdown begins. We went to Madison to visit Eric’s sister on Saturday and went to the Vilas Zoo. It was really fun to go, however word of advice, if your nine months pregers make sure you stay in the shade and drink a lot of water. I could have sworn it was 200 degrees that day. Despite the heat however it was a lot of fun!

Kelsey (niece), Eric, & Kendall (niece)

Well that pretty much sums up our month. Possibly the next time we post you will get to see pictures of our new little one! The countdown has begun!

Lots of love to all,
Eric, Monica, Kit, & B.B.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Are we done yet?

Well hello again!

As I mentioned in last month’s blog the month of April has been busy.

To start we had a wonderful Easter with our families. We were in the Bay with the Wepner and Yachinich on Saturday and then with the Burts and Kochs on Sunday. It was wonderful being surrounded by family all weekend.

After Easter things in our house really started to move. Eric sold his boat which was very bitter sweet. We put the boat on Craigslist and within 24 hours it was gone. We were shocked at how fast it sold. Eric wasn’t ready to give it up that fast. With the economy we thought it would have taken a little bit longer.

Eric's last picture with his boat.

Eric and I also celebrated our 6 month anniversary this month. It’s crazy to both of us that we only have been married for six months. With all that we have done and completed if feels like it has been longer than 6 months of marital bliss. We both are so blessed to have found one another. I know that I thank God every day for our wonderful life we share together.

Eric has continued to work on the upstairs. We have moved up there officially about a week ago. There are only two more very minor things to finish before we can say that it is 100% done. But since they are so minor we aren’t too worried. The whole project really turned out nice. With the great help of family and friends it all came together. It’s amazing how much bigger our house feels now that we are using the other half of it. Before our upstairs was just simply used as storage, but now it’s a wonderful master bedroom. Eric really did a great job completing it.

Old view from where our bed is now.

New view from our bed.

Old view from top of the stairs

New view from the top of the stairs.

Old view looking at where our bed is now.

New view of where our bed is now.

While Eric has been working on the upstairs I have been slowly putting together the baby’s room. Along with the upstairs it is completed. With some new and old pieces I believe that it’s going to be a great space for our lil one to enjoy their first couple of years. We went with a neutral pallet since we aren’t sure what he/she is. I personally love how it all came together. I can’t wait to rock our baby in the glider chair that my sister’s good friend Tiffany gave us. I’m starting to get a little excited for him/her to come.
Changing Table

Crib and glider

Along with all of our craziness our beautiful baby girl Kit has surgery this month. It was a last minute plan. The surgery went very well, however since Kit is a stinker she kept licking her stitches so she took longer to heal and had to wear a cone around her head. It was really cute to see her with it on, but really sad because she didn’t get to give herself a bath for a week. I felt horrible that I couldn’t help her out. I have put off getting her spayed for six years because I was so scared of the surgery not going well. In the end it was best that we did it because her uterus was swollen and was starting to get an infection that could have ended up being fatal. Thanks to the wonderful care of Animal Medical Center she is back to normal and enjoying life.
Our Princess waking up from a nap and not pleased with the camera.

Well that about sums up our month of April. We are looking very forward to the month of May. Now that we have finished our big projects it looks like we get to celebrate a little bit of downtime. But don’t worry I’m sure we will have great things to talk about at the end of the month, because then we hit the real countdown of B.B.’s arrival.

Thanks for checking in!
Eric, Monica, Kit, & B.B.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Busy... Busy...

Hello Again,

We hope all is well without blog followers. Everything has been great for us this past month.
Our remodel of the upstairs master bedroom has really come along. Eric has really earned “The Greatest Husband” award once again. He has put in so many hours getting it completed, it’s been amazing. Once we get the upstairs finished we will then begin to start on the baby’s room.
Speaking of baby, everything is going well. I’m in my third trimester now. This is crazy to think that we will have a new addition to our family in just a few months. SO far I am measuring a little bigger than normal, but no surprise when you look at Eric and I. It’s not like we are the smallest people in the world. LOL Eric also felt the baby finally kick. He has been asking for that everyday since I told him that I could feel the baby. So he is now a little more excited about the baby then before.

We also celebrated out niece Evie’s first birthday. I can’t believe that she is already one. It seems like just yesterday that I was singing “Apple Bottom Jeans” to her in the hospital. One thing is for sure that she and I are going to be great friends for life. We so far really enjoy hanging out with each other. She is my little rock star.

Believe it or not before the month of April Eric could resist the urge to take his true love out for a ride. And no I do not mean me. Believe it or not on March 31, 2010 Eric and his true love, Harley went for their first ride around the block together. He really tried to leave the bike in the garage, but the warm weather got the best of him. He was like a kid in a candy store.

Well that pretty much sums up out month. But stay tuned we have a lot going on in April too.

Things to look forward to in the month of April….
1. New Baby Pictures
2. Finished Master Bedroom with before and after pictures.
3. Start of the baby’s room
4. 6 month anniversary of marital bliss
5. Easter

Lots of Love to all,
Eric, Monica, Kit, & B.B.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Well, well where to begin?

Hello Again!

Well, well where to begin?

The month of February had a lot going on. I guess we will just start from the beginning of the month and work our way through.

As we all know Feb. is the month of love. Well in our house is the month of Eric going in a mode of comatose called Sturgeon Spearing. Sturgeon Spearing is always the weekend or week of Valentines. So we both are on the ice ready to spear by 6:30 a.m. opening day. Valentines is never really celebrated like most couples. But on one hand I get to spend six hours in a 4x6 foot shack with my husband staring into a hole of water. Now let me tell you folks that is as romantic as it gets! Yes it may sound boring to some but I would never want to do anything else.

Eric was luck this year and got is 4th Sturgeon on a row this year. So he has been on cloud nine ever since. He was the only one who speared a Sturgeon this year out of our group so it was a bitter sweet celebration.
Eric's kill of 2010

Cutting 20 inches of ice.

Pushing 20 inches of ice to make a pool.

Now that Sturgeon Spearing is done Eric has been able to work again on the upstairs of our house which will soon become our new master suite. Eric really is getting the husband of the year award this month. Not only did he provide food for the family, but he also is remodeling our house and putting up with a pregnant wife.

We had our 21 week appointment this past Friday. Everything is going great! I’m measuring a little big, but we aren’t worried. We already know that our baby is going to be really tall. On our last ultrasound all we saw was legs. Poor kid never stood a chance at being short with parents like us.

Well that pretty much sums up our month. Stay tuned next month, we have birthdays, remodeling, and baby news to share.

Lots of love to all!
Monica, Eric, BB, & Kit

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

It's all growing...

Hello Again,

Well we are at 18 weeks and counting.
Today I went to the doctor and had an ultrasound done. They even did the 3D which is just creepy. LOL....
We decided not to find out what we are having. Today we would have been able to tell, but knowing our luck they would say a girl and it would be a boy or they would say boy and it would be a girl. So we will have a great surprise in about 22 weeks.

Eric and I were very relieved that everything is showing a normal healthy baby. We are sitting at about 9 oz. not sure on the length however the legs look really long just like mine and Eric's.

I included some pictures below of my belly and how it's growing. Sorry they aren't the most attractive pictures.

This Turns into...

This turns into....This... and then it turns too...

The great 3D baby picture.

If you look close you will see that this is a picture of our babies face.

We will make sure to keep you updated as progress is made.

Lots of love,

Monica & Eric

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year with New News!

Hello Again!

Well the holidays are over and we are now back to work.

We had a great holiday with family and friends. For Christmas we were all over the place. First with Eric's dad side, and then my family, and then with Eric's moms side. It was none stop but so much fun!

We had great news to share with our family and friends and now I finally get to share it freely with my blog followers.

Eric and I are expecting a new addition to our family. We can't wait. Yes we are surprised but can't with for July 3rd to come.
This picture is from our 8 week apt and we are now at 3 months and one day.

We will be sure to keep the updates coming on our new bundle of joy.

So far everything has been going great with out much of lifestyle changes.

Eric has gone into full construction mode on our upstairs to ensure that we will have enough room when the baby comes. He really is a great husband and new daddy to be.

Be sure to stay tuned as there is always action going on with the Burt family.

Lots of Love,

Monica, Eric, Kit, and BB (aka: Baby Burt)